Opposite that, place a bathtub and shower cubicle, separated by a wall. On one side of the ‘passageway’ is your vanity, with his-and-hers sinks. This floor plan has a large central corridor leading to a smaller subsection in the back. And if the sections of the bathroom are adequately separated, it keeps bathroom smells at bay, which is great for your partner. This is a popular choice for master en-suites. Double trouble 18×13 bathroom layout ideaĪ better way to co-share the bathroom is to have a separate sink for each of you. The toilet is discreetly hidden when you open the door, while the sink is at the opposite corner, in view of said door.ĥ. The ‘bath’ side has a tub in one corner and a shower in the other.

This floor plan divides the bathroom into four sections, separated by a wall divider or glass panel. Plus, if they’re large enough (and if the subjects are sufficiently intimate), two people can use the bathroom at the same time. They offer convenient edges and corners for easy décor. With the right design choices, plain square bathrooms can be the most exciting type of all.
Tiny house bathroom layout install#
Opposite the door, you can install a three-sided vanity with a sink right in the middle. Instead, the shower sits at one 90º corner while the toilet sits at the other. While this shape is aesthetically pleasing, the angles and shorter walls make it hard to sneak in a bathtub. This somewhat hexagonal bathroom has six walls instead of four, so it gives you a few extra surfaces to work with. Who said a bathroom has to be square or rectangular? You can still get a symmetrical bathroom with unexpected lines and corners. Angular perfection 9×7 bathroom layout idea Downside, with twelve ‘walls’ instead of four, there’s a lot more bathroom to clean.ģ. The door has ample room to swing without hitting or squeezing anything. The shape of your bathroom is unusual, and it creates mini-alcoves for the sink, tub, and toilet. And it gives your bathroom some real character in the process. Here’s a floor plan suggestion that does exactly that.

Tiny house bathroom layout full#
And even with a full bath, we’d prefer the toilet and tub to be kept separate. We all settle for that two-and-a-half bath dream – when we have to. The close-quarters layout also makes it easier to clean, and faster too. Size limitations don’t have to stop your luxurious after-work soak. With this floor plan, you get a full-sized 60-inch bathtub that fills the entire back end of your small bathroom. It also keeps your commode hidden while the door is open. This 5 x 8 plan places the sink and toilet on one side, keeping them outside the pathway of the swinging door. Just because you’re low on space doesn’t mean you can’t have a full bath.

Small and simple 5×8 bathroom layout idea Here are 21 of our favorite bathroom layout plans.ġ. So whether your bathroom space is asymmetrical, curvy, or oddly angled, you can find a plan that fits. You just have to be creative with your floor plans. Luckily, you can jazz up a bathroom regardless of its size, shape, or layout. Even with larger square footage, bathroom design can be boring. Many modern apartments make do with a minuscule 5-foot bathroom. But with the demand for housing (and the number of one-person households) increasing, it’s no surprise. Tiny bathrooms can be extremely frustrating.